In the town of Bend, Oregon, Marda Stoliar has been running a tiny baking school for 35 years. Many of her students go on to open their own bakeries in unlikely places all over the world. By teaching them how to bake, Marda inspires them to change their lives.
One, is Ezdan Fluckiger, a burned-out doctor in Torrington, Wyoming who has a daughter with Down syndrome. Desperate to do more with his life and give his daughter an occupation, Ezdan took a baking course with Marda and learned everything he needed to know to start a bakery. Six years later, his family has benefited, his town is reviving and Marda has become part of their family. His daughter Eleanor, who society might not accept otherwise, is productive, engaged in the bakery - and connected to the community.
Marda, a widow with no children of her own, has no intention of ever retiring. But as she grows older the question looms: what will happen to her? The answer may be found in the reciprocity of Marda's gift.
To see how Marda’s work has been a gift to so many, click here for a look-book on the film and, have a look at our film trailer by clicking here - it's just 5 minutes!
We are actively seeking funds to produce MARDA’S GIFT.